Recently, it has become commonly said that a locality without a camper area is, as it were, nobody. This trend was seen before in Spain with frontons, then with swimming pools, later with paddle tennis courts, and now the focus is on these types of tourist service facilities. Simple, not too costly for the municipalities, but capable of attracting wandering tourists who travel with their homes for a few days.
The Provincial Council will collaborate with a dozen municipalities to improve the conditions for users of this type of tourism
The Official Bulletin of the Province today announced the grant of a dozen aids to as many municipalities for the construction or improvement of this type of service resource. In the case of six municipalities, it will be for the construction of these areas; in the case of another four, for their expansion, given that they are occasionally too small.
Those that will be constructed or are already under construction, but were pending aid from the Provincial Institution, are those proposed by the municipalities of Autillo de Campos, Cisneros, Mazariegos, Monzón de Campos, Villarramiel, and Villoldo.
All of them have presented a construction budget of around 30,000 euros, for which they will receive from the Provincial Council, based on the aid called for this purpose, a subsidy of up to 13,037 euros, i.e., about 45% of the proposed action.
There will also be aid for the expansion of existing areas. In this case, the most ambitious will be the one presented by the municipality of Saldaña, with a budget of 38,500 euros, although the subsidy cap is set at 30,000 euros, so it will receive the same, 13,037 euros.
The councils of Cervera de Pisuerga (budget of 17,600 euros and subsidy of 7,654), Frómista (budget of 26,800 euros and subsidy of 11,647), and Villamuriel de Cerrato (30,000 euros and subsidy of 13,037 euros) will also receive aid from the Provincial Council.
The deadline for the submission of subsidy justifications is until May 31, 2024.
The municipalities of Barruelo de Santullán, Castrejón de la Peña, Villaluenga de la Peña, and Villanuño de Valdavia have been left out of these subsidies, totaling 114,999.96 €.
The network of camper areas in the province of Palencia today consists of 29 facilities.
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SOURCE: Palencia en la red.
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